
Home Sculptures Paintings Residencies Resumé

Arcadia High School
Scottsdale, AZ

Arcadia High School sculpture class and physics classes explored inter-disciplinary public art.

Special thanks to art teacher Joani Share and physics teacher Rob Reinwicki

The idea was an interdisciplinary approach to literally, bridge the gap between science and art.  The school has a beautiful garden area with a small riparian area and creek.  The physics students studied keystone arches and did several small bridges to see which particular arch might work the best.  Remarkably, every single arch worked—out of about a dozen!  The plan is to use this knowledge to build a human-sized bridge with the keystone arch design in their newly remodeled school.

The art students worked on large scale, 3-D mortar sculptures that could be assembled into totem-pole-like arrangements that can also be re-assembled after the new school additions are finished





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